Bodies Floating Into the Land
17.07 — 18.07.2023
A performance drawing information from scientific and anthropological research and transforming it into a subversive visual, choreographic and musical concept. Bodies Floating Into the Land focuses on the protection of biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea and the effects of climate change on human and non-human organisms. Starting with invasive foreign species, such as lionfish, toadfish, purple jellyfish etc., which are transported through ballast tanks along with sea water used to maintain the ship’s stability, we ponder upon the vulnerability of all of the “sea creatures”. The work is informed by the place where it is held – here, the fierce god of the sea turns into a positive figure as a miracle doctor. The symbolic character of the cure conveys messages of hope for the future of the planet and consolation against ecological grief.
Atopos – Contemporary Visual Culture
With the Support

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