Archaeological Site in Lato, Lasithi
© Ministry of Culture and Sports, © 24th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
View of the ancient city of Lato
The English admiral Th. Spratt, in his work “Travels in Crete”, published in 1865, mentions that he located the remains of the ancient city on the hill of Goulas, but wrongly identified them as the remains of Olous or Oleros. The archaeologists F. Halbherr, L. Mariani and A. Taramelli, visited the site and identified it as ancient Lato. In 1894-96, A. Evans conducted a small-scale investigation. Systematic excavation started in 1899-1901 by the French School of Archaeology, with J. Demargne, was resumed in 1968 by P. Ducrey, O. Picard, and B. Chatzimichali, and lasted until the 1970s.