Ancient Theatre of Messene, Messenia


The Theatre of Messene was unearthed northwest of the Asclepieion and 50 meters west of the Agora. It was built between the 3rd and 2nd century BC and it is one of the largest ancient theatres.  Its width reaches 98.6 meters, and the diameter of its orchestra is 23.46 meters. It was used to entertain citizens, but also as a venue for political gatherings, as evidenced by inscriptions that have come to light. It acquired its current form in the Roman Imperial Times (1st – 2nd century AD), following extensive alterations made to the seating area (cavea) and the stage that dated back to the Hellenistic period. The extensive damage in the cavea was largely assumed by the inhabitants of the Proto-Byzantine and Byzantine settlements, as they utilized the theater as a quarry to procure materials for constructing their settlement and the nearby Basilica.

Events at this location