Running Dry


29.07 — 30.07.2023


The body is earth. It carries rivers. Their water masses move inside of us, run through us and move us. Water is nothing but us. It is our first relative and the first medicine to which we turn. As long as we continue to poison and exhaust our water resources, how will we be able to clean our wounds?

Running Dry invites audiences to a dance performance, where water returns as a Fury, as a primeval urge. The Furies cannot exist in the absence of the wild. This is what they invoke: the untamable, defending the wild landscapes of the soul. A Fury is water shortage, drought, flood, the rising of the sea level, the rivers that dry up, the wrinkling skin. She is not a punishment; she turns into knowledge. Dancing bodies return to the water – their oldest wild relative –, and through motion waves, voices, confessions and gestures they unfold personal water maps of physical memories and weave a world of bright co-existence.


Aria Boumbaki
Maria Fountouli, Dimitra Mertzani and female residents of the Municipality of Parga
Evi Dimitropoulou
Special constructions
Vasilis Skandalis
Production organisation
Marianna Panourgia




With the Support

Media Sponsors

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