The Whale’s Song


29.08 — 30.08.2023


A woman decides to leave her abusive husband and migrate to the north, so as to reunite with her two braver friends. On her journey she is accompanied by her personal artificial intelligence assistant and the thought of the whale, whose long evolutionary path of fifty million years inspires the heroine to put herself together and continue on her way. The music also serves as her guide.

The production The Whale’s Song presents a world plagued by a distorted political system, social injustice and the effects of climate crisis. “We are fighting to reach a destination where the conditions will favour our survival. And if we do not reach it, then the next or one of the coming generations will.” The groundbreaking works of awarded writer Chantal Bilodeau revolve around climate crisis.


Original play:
Chantal Bilodeau
Translation, direction:
Maria Xanthopoulidou
Visual installation:
Natassa Poulantza, Dimitris Merantza
Costumes made by sustainable materials:
Soffa Factory
Thodoris Economou
Mariela Nestora
Maria Protopappa
Onstage musician:
Thodoris Economou
Scientific collaborators:
Nikos Vardakas, Jenny Ioannou, Konstantina Kostoula
With the participation of Nikos Vardakas
The “Whale’s Song” is performed by Anna Pagalou
Production manager:
Anastasia Kavallari




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