Tsiatsiapas Mansion, Kastoria


Tsiatsiapas Mansion is situated in the area “Apozari” in Kastoria. According to a bas-relief inscription on a cornerstone in its southwestern corner, it was built in 1754. Mentioned as its first owner is the local lord Moralis, while later it came into the possession of D. Tsiatsiapas. It is a three-story mansion with a rectangular layout, and a pronounced horizontal axis. Its key typological features include the heliakos (wooden balcony opening into a courtyard), doxatos (reception hall), and sachnisia (protruding windows). The floorplan was modeled after the grand residencies in 18th-century Macedonia. Following the completion of the preservation work on its frescoes and wood-carved structures, funded by the NSRF 2007-2014, the Mansion is now a monument open to the public that hosts a variety of cultural events and activities.


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