Crises From the Historical Past to This Day
05.07 — 06.07.2023
The twenty-member ensemble Violione Orchestra, in collaboration with the popular musical duo of Vassilis Skoutas and Dimitris Mitarakis, approaches for the first time in its artistic career the burning issue of climate crisis and its political, social, cultural and economic effects, in its own alternative performing style, adapting typical pieces of Greek traditional music and rebetiko songs of the gramophone period (1900-1960). The production brings out a romantic and at the same time communicative and outward-looking mood, with elements of both the old and the new styles.
In the concert titled Crises from the Historical Past to This Day under the artistic direction of Giannis Zarias, assistant violin professor at the Department of Music Science and Art of the University of Macedonia, the Violione Orchestra will take audiences on a unique musical journey from the past to the future, with a lot of improvisation and creating a dynamic continuation from the old to the modern style of performing bowed-string instruments.
I Istoria tis Ellinikis Moussikis
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