© Alex Kat


In the Fortified Troupakis-Mourtzinos complex in the Old Town of Kardamyli, a monument that serves as a testament to the story of the last members of the Palaiologos family, Fenia Papadodima takes us on a tour across the land of the Nykliani. A land and a world that is at once cruel and fascinating. A place where death is constantly present.

Through her original music, the portraits painted by Giorgos Kordis on stones hanging on the walls of the tower, and the texts – Mani by Patrick Leigh Fermor, Homer’s Nekyia, as well as folkloristic and philosophical studies, and oral traditions –, the performance explores a woman’s position within a harsh, patriarchal family. Her weakness and strength. Her cry and lullaby. The boundary between life and death. In this misty, hovering “in-between” realm of Mani. Alongside her performing – an ensemble of renowned musicians. 


Visual artist
Giorgos Kordis
Dramaturgy, director
Fenia Papadodima
Original score
Fenia Papadodima, George Palamiotis
Fenia Papadodima, Giorgos Palamiotis, Kostas Baltazanis, Andreas Polyzogopoulos, Thomas Meletas, Panagiotis Kostopoulos






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