Oh, tranquility! Penetrating the very rock, A cicada’s voice
23.07 — 24.07.2023
The cultural organisation Polygreen Culture & Art Initiative (PCAI) presents an original two-day long programme of visual arts events and performances in Delphi that has been inspired by Dimitris Pikionis’ environmental concerns, as expressed through his architectural and artistic oeuvre, as well as his essays, such as Gaias Atimosis (1954) and Emotional Topography (1935). The events will take place at the former Pikionis’ Pavilion, now known as “π”, in Delphi, the recently restored monument of modern architecture designed by the leading Greek architect and his son, Petros Pikionis, in the late 1950s.
The visual and performance art events commissioned from PCAI as part of the programme are new interpretations of the prominent creator’s prolific work, in which modernity and respect for nature often cross paths with folk tradition and Japanese architecture. Acclaimed visual artists, poets, soloists and performers take part in the programme, inspired by the history of the architectural monument – a landmark in the area – and the natural landscape of Delphi, with the goal of bringing out crucial environmental issues and raising philosophical and social considerations about environmental protection issues, art and architecture.
*The programme’s title is the English rendition of a haiku poem by Matsuo Bashō (1689), translated by academician and Japanese scholar Helen Craig McCullough (Classical Japanese Prose. An Anthology, 1990, p. 539).
PCAI – Awareness Raising