Perhaps We’re Brothers In The End
22.07 — 23.07.2023
The music theatre performance Perhaps We’re Brothers In The End by Fenia Papadodima is based on Indian Chief Seattle’s earthshaking letter, written in 1854 as an answer to the representative of the government in Washington asking to buy their land. “If we sell you our land, remember that it is sacred…” The goal of the work is to shape a common conscience dictating a truth that is yet to be fully grasped: to stop the destruction of Nature, we first need to change our very worldview. A musical journey around the Red Church in Voulgareli, built in 1280, where scattered paintings by Giorgos Kordis narrate the transformation of man and the planet, from the fall and expulsion from the Garden of Eden to this day, conversing with the happenings.
The original composition also includes text excerpts from Clive Ponting’s A Green History of the World and Philip Sherrard’s The Death and Resurrection of Sacred Cosmology.
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