Region: Western Macedonia

The Antigone Project

The En Dynami theatre company, after conducting extensive research on modern dramaturgy, is now treating a classical text for the first time: Sophocles’ Antigone. A social group that daily clashes with the state, society, laws, and the mentality of our fellow citizens regarding issues of acceptance, accessibility, and social inclusion, wonders whether they live in a world that is just and whether laws are designed to protect people or the opposite. They wonder how far they would be willing to go for their beliefs. “The impossible cannot be done”, says Ismene in the prologue. We, however, ought to go for it. Antigone’s story is written to inspire us. Everywhere and always.

Grandpa Whanganui: The True Story of the River That Became a Man

In New Zealand, a river was granted legal person status. The Ganges River in India heard about this and liked the idea, so it also obtained such a status. In Iceland, there is an ongoing campaign to present a glacier as an election candidate.

The environmental organization The Bee Camp presents a transformative performance experience, written and directed by Anthi Founta, inspired by the once unthinkable idea of granting legal rights to elements of nature. And this is how, after 160 years of dispute, the river Whanganui, becomes the first river on earth to belong to itself, all the way from the mountain to the sea. Can you imagine that? Nature belonging to itself?