Snow Whites
29.08 — 30.08.2024
Snow Whites is a performance for two narrators and a four-member instrumental ensemble. In this performance, three Snow Whites come together to discuss the pains of growing up, the cost of coming of age, and the gifts of the woods. Snow Whites, like all fairy tales, knows no language, religious, or cultural boundaries.
Relying on the most vulnerable of all musical instruments, the human voice, they cross over time and lands, undergo changes, and offer us wonderful versions of their story from the Balkans, Europe, and Africa. The magical fairytales are songs that pass down from one generation to another, each time dressed in the rhythms and melodies of the community of the story-teller who narrates them.
Mission Art
The event is offered for free by the Ministry of Culture.
Advanced booking is necessary
Audience members are only requested to pay for the entrance fee to the archaeological site (10€, Reduced: 5€).
With the Support

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