24.08 — 25.08.2024
A cocktail paid for by the tourism workers
For most children, summer is the most carefree time of the year. For adults, summer is a very serious matter that requires organization, planning, and money. For some professionals, summer is identified with their jobs. Those who work during the summer, even in exhausting conditions, must conceal their tiredness to avoid dampening the spirits of holiday-goers. Travelers, on the other hand, invest their money in their vacations, hoping to be compensated for the frustrations and fatigue accumulated throughout the year.
The focus is on what often goes unnoticed during the summer: the thoughts that tour guides do not share with the tourists, the conversations among the kitchen staff, and the cramped 20-square-meter rooms where four waiters have to stay, sharing the space with 23 cockroaches.
Are we all equal under the sun or do we bring the already existing inequalities with us into tourist resorts?
Who Am I To Theater Group
The event is offered for free by the Ministry of Culture.
Advanced booking is necessary.
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