SOMNIA PACIS: Dreaming Of Peace
02.07 — 03.07.2024
The musical piece SOMNIA PACIS: Dreaming Of Peace is a collective platform, where music and speech come together to expressively interact. Starting from war conflict and moving towards its gradual impact on individuals, communities, and eventually the world, the piece is an artistic search for peaceful coexistence. It combines both classical and traditional timbres, sometimes using complex and other times simple expressive forms. The narration sometimes complements and other times enhances the themes evoked by the music, maintaining a balance between the horror of war and the dream of peace. The collective vocal and rhythmic interplay with the percussion, accompanied by the narration, and complemented by the orchestral ensemble, which both follows the score and improvises, creates a cross-artistic tapestry. This tapestry not only aims to evoke emotions but also to stimulate the audience’s senses, and provoke them by introducing them to an unprecedented musical experience.
Arts in the Mixer
The event is offered for free by the Ministry of Culture.
Audience members are only requested to pay for the entrance fee to the archaeological site (4€, Reduced: 3€ for seniors over 65, free admission for permanent residents, students, soldiers, and people with disabilities).
Advanced booking is necessary.
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