The Dark Side of Memory/The Pier


The Dark Side of Memory/The Pier is a musical multimedia performance about the collective trauma of “the Asia Minor Catastrophe” and the twofold substance of our roots. It is structured around testimonies of historical unnamed protagonists, which, during the performance, are voiced by an unseen person.

Small pieces of living memory, gleaned from the sacred pool of the dead, drip their blessing onto the present, weaving the ground on which every wound rejoices and heals. The living root of the catastrophe sprouts underground in the body of Greece, founding an Asia Minor which is more real than the actual one.

Everything is abandoned to the ocean of the inevitable, transforming the throng of the uprooted into an international symbol. Music is an islet of consolation, a hint about the inner homeland, towards which the refugees unceasingly march.


Arrangement/ Script/ Selection and sound processing of testimonies/ Original texts and music/ Classical and midi guitar: Yorgos Mouloudakis
Video & sound synthesis, Sound design, Video & multimedia design & programming, Camera, Video, Photography, Montage: Vasilis Kountouris (Studio 19st)
Sound design, Audio & multimedia design and programming, Live multimedia mix for the performance: Kostas Bokos (Studio 19st)
Vocal delivery of texts/ Performance [Unseen person]: Sofia Hill



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