The Town Aloft
17.08 — 18.12.2022
A land of rebirth, a place of co-formation, an old café with contemporary music. Spectators, habitués, refugees, residents, leaving back their memories, keeping personal narratives as a legacy.
The performance crosses the historical paths with theatrical tools, but also with the use of our mobile phones, our smartphones, our modern technological need, which can finally allow us to create our own personal narrative with new media, to find our place in this world.
The story can be shaped, if we are a part of history.
Note: the visitors of the archaeological site of Pella, from 19.00 p.m., will have the opportunity to participate in the art installation, which will be coordinated by George Gerontidis, and in the performance, which will unite the site with the show and its spectators.
With the Support

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