Hellenistic Theatre in Dion, Pieria


To the south of the city of Dion, beyond its borders, and to the west of the sanctuary of Demetra, stands the ancient theatre. It is estimated that it was constructed in the Hellenistic era, most likely during the reign of Philip V (221-179 BC). The theatre is built on the slope of a natural, low hill and has a northwestern orientation – the most suitable for ensuring proper ventilation of the space, as later noted by Roman architect Vitruvius. The theatre had its inaugural opening in 1972. Its doors reopened in 1975, welcoming a performance starring the famous Greek actress Anna Synodinou. From 1991, when the restoration works were completed to allow its temporary reopening, to the present day, it has been continuously operating, accommodating events as part of the Olympus Festival. Today, it has a capacity of about 4,000 audience members.

Events at this location