The Wondrous Story of Hor-Hor Agha
19.08 — 20.08.2024
The Wondrous Story of Hor-Hor Agha is a shadow puppet music theatre performance inspired by the 1875 operetta Leblebici hor-hor agha (The Chickpea Seller). It features original music for two singers and musicians from the Oros Ensemble, along with a new reading of the work, focusing on the tensions between the present and a past that is forever gone.
Searching for his daughter in the streets of a big city, the central hero clashes with a strange and at first hostile world, while his journey leads him to a path of transformation. Expanding its technical boundaries, the shadow puppet theatre form (featuring Eirini Mastora) transforms into the stage setting of a contemporary fairy tale. The music creates the background of sounds where the characters develop, while the text establishes a new story by combining folk and art traditions, oral and written language.
The event is offered for free by the Ministry of Culture.
Advanced booking is necessary.
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